Where Do You Want Me to Play?

Hey friends!
I want to be really prepared for the next several months. I’d like to right now start compiling cities and contacts to be planning tours down the road.

I need your help!

I’ve already added several dates to my schedule and I want to hit your city as well.

If you’re a promoter, fill out this booking request.

If you’re not a promoter, but know information about the music scene in your town, email me (owen@owenpye.com)

If you know nothing about the scene but still want me to play, leave a comment on this post with your city or the closest major city.

Sound cool? Ok….go!

Love y’all,

Published by owenpye

Hello, my name is Owen. You can contact me at hello@owenpye.com OR you can reach me at 618 . 806 . 5470

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